Moderator: JC Denton
by icycalm » 08 Sep 2022 03:46
by icycalm » 08 Sep 2022 03:48
by icycalm » 08 Sep 2022 03:50
by Adjudicator » 08 Sep 2022 04:12
by Adjudicator » 08 Sep 2022 04:20
by Adjudicator » 20 Sep 2022 18:24
icycalm wrote:
I bought the RSI Scorpius off a reseller site for $260 including a sick LE paint scheme, pictured above. Weirdly, I also received another ship in the game which I hadn't ordered, though it's not showing on my account on the RSI website. So perhaps it is a bug, or some kind of trial version, so I am not adding it here for the time being. Very cool ship too, apparently, "The closest to the Military load-out as is legally possible for a Civilian model": ... per-hornet
Roberts Space Industries Knowledge Base Game Support Pledges, Packages, and Ships wrote:Important! All ship upgrades are permanent. Once upgraded, a ship cannot be reverted back to its previous state. The only way to revert an upgraded ship is to potentially reclaim your pledge then buy it back. This strips all upgrades on the ship and forcefully returns the original ship with the pledge.
by icycalm » 20 Sep 2022 18:36
by Adjudicator » 20 Sep 2022 19:03
by icycalm » 20 Sep 2022 19:23
by icycalm » 20 Sep 2022 20:09
by Adjudicator » 20 Sep 2022 20:40
It's a combination of two features in the RSI store:
1. Warbond; is a ship that can only be purchased with new money. The alternative is "Standard", which can be bought with new money or store credit you get from melting ships you don't want anymore. Warbond always offers a small discount on the price so a ship that is usually $250 Standard might be $230 Warbond.
2. CCU; is a cross Chassis Upgrade. Simply put, you can use the current Standard value of a ship you've bought to upgrade to a more expensive ship and only pay the difference. I highlight "Standard" because even if you bought the above ship at $230 with Warbond, its CCU value is still $250.
Now, the chain is when there are multiple ships, all with Warbond. You can start with a low cost ship, buy a Warbond CCU to a higher price ship, then another CCU to an even higher price ship, and continue as long as there are discounted Warbond ships available. Each new CCU will subtract its savings compared to the Standard from the total price while keeping the Standard value for upgrading it again. So you end up with a "stack" of discounts equal to the total discounts of all the Warbond ships in your chain.
The other method of saving money is to have a ship you purchased before its Standard price went up. You'll get the new value towards the next upgrade.
The downside is if you ever melt this "stack" you lose all of the saved value because you can't recover a CCU once applied. You'll only get the store credit equivalent to the total you paid or the "melt value". This is why people will often show off a very low melt value on an expensive ship to prove they made a really good CCU chain.
Roberts Space Industries Knowledge Base wrote:Have you found yourself in possession of a pledge with a ship that's not yet Flight Ready? We've got you covered, providing you with a loaner ship to ensure that you are able to fly inside the current version of Star Citizen Alpha.
Below is our Loaner Ship Matrix that currently has all ships not available in the PU (Persistent Universe) and their respective loaners until that ship becomes "Flight Ready."
There are a couple of points to note about this list:
The concept of "ship loaners" was introduced to allow players who owned a game package and a single ship to play the game when that ship was unavailable. The loaners for each ship are not intended to be a 1:1 "best case substitute" for the ship that isn't flight ready.
The presence of a valid game package is required for loaners to be granted to an account.
If a new ship becomes Flight Ready and is a better substitute, the loaner will be updated.
Due to the current restrictions in Arena Commander, certain ships have a secondary loaner to allow them to play in all game modes. For example, Freelancer owners receive an Anvil Arrow for use in Arena Commander play modes.
These are not permanent additions to your fleet. Once a ship on this list is Flight Ready, the loaner will be replaced by the ship you purchased and removed from this thread.
by Adjudicator » 22 Sep 2022 17:10
icycalm wrote:Ah, you can't direct-link. You need to click on "Prices" at the top-left. The most expensive ship is the Javelin for $3,000.
Lt. General - 2017 RP*
Star Crossing
Voyage across the ‘verse in commanding fashion with the Aegis Javelin, one of the UEE Navy’s premier warships
by icycalm » 22 Sep 2022 17:28
Million Mile High Club Access
Party at the trendiest club in the ‘verse. The Million Mile High Club is an exclusive, in-game facility for the most dedicated Star Citizen fans.
by Adjudicator » 09 Oct 2022 04:11
by Adjudicator » 10 Oct 2022 11:28
by Adjudicator » 10 Oct 2022 12:14
by icycalm » 10 Oct 2022 19:09
by icycalm » 10 Oct 2022 19:18
Investopedia wrote:A war bond is a debt security issued by a government to finance military operations during times of war or conflict. Because war bonds offered a rate of return below the market rate, investment was achieved by making emotional appeals to patriotic citizens to lend the government money.
by icycalm » 10 Oct 2022 19:48
by icycalm » 28 Oct 2022 08:29
logicalChimp wrote:For reference, CIG have four categories of ships:
- Common - these ships are always on sale
- Uncommon - these ships are only sold intermittently (usually during events)
- Rare - these ships are only sold intermittently (usually during events), and only in strictly limited numbers (once they're gone, they're gone... until the next event)
- Not Sold - ships that CIG have said will never be sold (or never sold again)
Any ship that is 'in concept' (ie not yet flyable in-game) will automatically be classed as 'uncommon', although some will be classed as 'rare'. Once they become flyable, some will become 'common', depending on how CIG see their role in the overall PU, etc (inc. NPC usage).
Ships in the 'Not Sold' category include ships that were part of a promotion (e.g. AMD Mustang, Intel Sabre), or are no longer sold (such as the Vanduul Scythe). Some ships are also effectively in this category, because they're only available in packs costing $10,000 or more.
Edit: changed 'unobtainable' category to 'Not Sold', because most of those ships are obtainable... just not by buying through the web store.
by Adjudicator » 30 Oct 2022 11:12
myelrecsy wrote:I own a BMM too but sorry, I think we owners are already compensated enough.
- We get to fly around, not only one but at least 2 loaners, and CIG updates it depending on what ship is being released that comes close to the BMM's function or relates to it. We were flying a Caterpillar + Buccaneer before, then Banu Defender got released, they gave us that as a loaner. Then they changed the CAT to the just released C2 Hercules. Imagine that, just released ship and we are flying it.
- It already increased it's price multiple times, now it's $500. It will further increase for sure.
- With all the iterations the other ships are getting right now, we can assume that once they release the BMM, it will have all those iterations on it. It may even release in a 'gold standard' state already.
I admit, it would really be nice to have something free for it, but let's be fair and not post it like a demanding entitled person. More patience sir, you (we) already waited this long, why break now, right? It will come.
by Adjudicator » 30 Oct 2022 11:24
Cloud Imperium Games wrote:SHIP NAME RESTRICTIONS
Be as creative as you like, but there are a few rules that will need to be followed as outlined here:
A ship's name is unique to that particular model of ship, including any variants.
Example: A 600i and an 890 Jump can both be named the "Touring McTouringson", but two different players cannot both name their 600i the "Touring McTouringson".
Example: A 600i Explorer, Touring, and Executive edition are all grouped under the 600i series and so they must have unique names.
Names are on a "First Come, First Served" basis.
There is a limit of 32 characters for a given ship name that must consist of ASCII characters of non-accented letters, numbers, spaces, and/or dashes in any combination.
Spaces and dashes, while allowed, cannot be consecutively repeated in the ship's name and cannot be on the outside of the name.
Example: A ship named "Proud-Mary" is fine but "Proud--Mary" and "-Proud-Mary-" are not.
The ship name must respect the RSI Code of Conduct and Terms of Service.
Repeated violations of the code of conduct may include removal of the ability to name ships or the suspension of a player's RSI account.
Ships purchased in-game cannot be named at this time.
by icycalm » 30 Oct 2022 17:58
by Adjudicator » 31 Oct 2022 03:41
by icycalm » 31 Oct 2022 04:51