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Global Event: XenoThreat

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Global Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Apr 2023 03:30

XenoThreat for New Players ... ew-Players

XenoThreat Returns ... at-Returns

Star Citizen: Assault on Stanton – Incoming Threat


Star Citizen wrote:An outlaw group known as XenoThreat has launched a campaign of violence in the Stanton System and the Navy has requested CDF support to help combat the scourge.

Preaching a viciously anti-UEE and xenophobic rhetoric, XenoThreat forces have been responsible for dozens of attacks against civilian and corporate structures.

XenoThreat is an event AND a faction, so it will eventually also get its own faction thread here, like Nine Tails etc. In fact they sound like a faction I'd like to join lol. But for now let's focus on the event because it's in about a day.

Commander ysignal injured his wrist in a snowboarding accident on microTech, so he won't be joining us in person for this mission. He will however be controlling CULTCLONE-2 from home and piloting one of our Carracks.

I will be in my Scorpius and Commanders recoil and ChevRage in their Super Hornets. Inquisitors Adjudicator, shubn and ExiledOne will be flying their Gladiuses.

shubn have you by any chance bought the Eclipse you said you would? If you have, you can use this instead, as I think it will be useful against some of the larger opposition. If you haven't bought it, no worries.

Note that the Cult Spec has been amended, so check that first before you buy your gear, and buy at least 3 sets of everything. 4-5 would be preferable. You don't lose unused gear anyway, you just keep it for the next event.

Even if you die in the last part of the mission, which I think is space-only, you must still fully gear-up before returning to the battle, you can't just show up in a flight suit, first of all because it won't match the rest of us, and also because we might attempt several runs in a row if we have the time.

ysignal you need to buy your gear WITH THE CULTCLONE-2 ACCOUNT, because that's the one that owns the Carrack. It probably has 200k like the rest of us, but if it doesn't, you can just send it your money.

I don't really have much of a plan because I haven't read deeply into the mission stages. I don't want to spoil it for myself by looking at videos etc. My plan is to just go in and see what happens, and adjust tactics for further runs on the day, or on future attempts. At any rate there seems to be some package-running in there, so the Carrack should handle it fine.

An advanced strategy would be switching our respawn to the Carrack and trying landing a couple of Gladiuses in its hangar as quick extra lives, but I have two reservations about this. 1) What happens if you die 2-3 times? How do you get your ship the third time? You need to go back to a landing zone. How can you do that without wasting time traveling to the landing zone? And 2) We would need to bring some extra gear on the Carrack for the respawns, and that would take time to load etc. I am not saying it's a bad strategy, I am sure it's a good one if done well. We could probably even arrange to take both our Carracks so we can have say 4 extra Gladiuses/lives, and maybe you can even park another Gladius on the landing pad at the top, but it's a complex strategy with several parts we aren't sure about, so I am not sure if we should overcomplicate things for our first attempt. I say let's keep it simple for this weekend, and then we take our results and next time we go complex.

Let me know if you have objections or suggestions. If no one offers anything, this is the plan.

Please try to have all your gear ready at the start time, and make sure your landing zone is set to Area 18. Also figure out how to apply paints to your ships, and have all the necessary paints applied (see Cult Spec for details).
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Re: Dynamic Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby shubn » 29 Apr 2023 15:49

I didn't buy the Eclipse yet. I know I said I would buy it as soon as it's available, but I've now decided to "CCU game" to it.

One issue I see is that the Gladiuses will have trouble reaching microTech from ArcCorp with the default military-class quantum drive without at least a couple of refueling stops. One solution to this problem would be to use a more efficient civilian-class quantum drive, like the Eos for instance, which wouldn't be my first choice, but is available at Dumper's Depot in Area18. The Scorpius and Super Hornet should come with the Eos by default.

Speaking of quantum drives, the Carrack's default one is painfully slow, and a better option would be the Pontes. Again, not my first choice, but it's available from Area18 Dumper's Depot.

Another thing I see is that the Carrack is the only ship we are taking that is capable of hauling cargo. Without spoiling too much, let's just say that cargo hauling is an integral part of the mission. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with our setup, but just keep in mind that if no cargo hauling is taking place, we could be fighting forever.
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Re: Dynamic Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Apr 2023 17:43

Well, we can’t afford a Hercules just yet. Would having Adjudicator bring his second Carrack solve the hauling issue? Do you think we’d need a third hauler? ysignal’s Corsair would probably be our next biggest one I think. We COULD try taking more ships than players by assembling our entire force some safe distance from the battlefield and going back and forth to switch ships between stages. Let me know how this sounds.

As for switching to civilian quantum drives, surely there must be some tradeoffs in preferring civilian ones to military ones for military craft? I mean I had no idea my Scorpius has a civilian one and would rather have a military one. Would bringing a Starfarer solve this issue? I think Adjudicator has a couple.
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Re: Dynamic Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby icycalm » 29 Apr 2023 17:51

Which quantum drives would be your ideal choices for all the ships we’re taking and where can we buy them, and can we even afford them at this stage?
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Re: Dynamic Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby shubn » 29 Apr 2023 19:21

Anything with internal space can do for hauling (they're 1/8 SCU boxes, not 1 SCU), though bigger can be better because of the better shields. Ideally you don't want all your eggs in the same basket, first off in case the hauler gets attacked, and second, because different boxes have different limitations, the two main ones being the boxes that become unstable after a certain amount of time, and the ones that must be hauled without using quantum travel. It's certainly possible to move all types in the same ship, so long as you prioritize and move boxes fast. Using just the Carrack could work, with for instance a couple of people disembarking from their fighters to help with moving boxes while the rest are defending. Or they could stay in the Carrack and man the turrets for defense when not moving boxes, with maybe a Gladius on the hangar deck just in case.

Assembling our force a safe distance from the battlefield and going back and forth could work. We could even park near the Javelin, that should be relatively safe.

As for quantum drives, the tradeoff is that civilian ones are slower than military ones, but a lot more efficient. It makes sense that small fighters wouldn't be able to travel across an entire system and that you would need a carrier to transport them near the battlefield, but proper carriers aren't in the game yet. A Starfarer could solve the issue, and double as a hauler.

My preferred quantum drives for any ship except stealth ones are:
- Size 1: Atlas (Civilian), 17,900 aUEC, HUR-L5 - Platinum Bay
- Size 2: XL-1 (Military), 94,900 aUEC, Orison - Cousin Crows / Port Tressler - Platinum Bay
- Size 3: TS-2 (Military), 93,700 aUEC, Orison - Cousin Crows / CRU-L5 - Platinum Bay

The Scorpius, Super Hornet and Gladius are size 1, the Carrack is size 3.
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Re: Dynamic Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby Adjudicator » 29 Apr 2023 19:26

A Carrack or a Hercules may not be an ideal cargo hauler for the XenoThreat event, as watching videos and reading Reddit threads on the event revealed that there are cargo types that are time-sensitive (rush them to destination ASAP before they explode) or quantum-sensitive (quantum travel renders the cargo useless—must fly the cargo conventionally to the dropoff point).

For quantum drives, civilian drives are the balanced baseline for spooling and cooldown, speed and quantum fuel consumption. Higher-grade drives (D, C, B or A) improve all aspects of the drive, although they cost more.

Military drives have shorter spool up and cooldown times, and have significantly higher quantum travel maximum speeds (about 2x of a civilian drive), with the drawbacks of very high quantum fuel consumption (2.5x to 3x), along with a high purchase price.

Higher-grade military drives have a slightly higher maximum speed, but at a noticeable increase in quantum fuel consumption. This is what I remember based on my experience in the 3.17 era—using the size 2 grade C military Crossfield, size 2 grade A military XL-1 and the size 2 grade A civilian Hemera quantum drives in my Vanguard Sentinel.

For ships using size 1 quantum drives, I recommend the grade A Atlas civilian drive, as most ships at that size have small quantum fuel tanks, and I find this drive fast enough without needing to stop for fuel too frequently. It can be purchased from HUR-L5 station.

The military drives at this size have around 2x as fast quantum travel speed, but consume around 3x as much quantum fuel. One example is the military grade C Beacon that comes with the Anvil Arrow and the Aegis Gladius, or purchased at HUR-L3 or Port Tressler station at microTech.

Ships using size 2 quantum drives generally have large enough fuel tanks to make use of military drives. I can recommend the Grade C Crossfield military drive that can be purchased at Area18 Dumper's Depot, CRU-L1, CRU-L5 or Port Tressler station.
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Re: Dynamic Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby shubn » 29 Apr 2023 19:38

I don't get too hung up on parts classes in the current state of the game, simply because all of the mechanics for them haven't been implemented yet. For instance, I don't think there's any good reason currently to use "industrial" or "competition" parts. Sure, I'd rather have a military QD in my fighters, but I'd also rather not have to refuel every 5 minutes and hope that the server decides to let me refuel that day.
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Re: Global Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby icycalm » 06 Mar 2024 23:24 ... ruary-2024

Cloud Imperium Games wrote:The development of XenoThreat 1.2 continued, with changes to gameplay and the implementation of freight elevators

So it's an update, not a new event. Very exciting either way. And with Blockade Runner on the way, that's almost two new events for 3.23.
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Updated XenoThreat Global Event Arrives!

Unread postby icycalm » 14 Jun 2024 20:47

We have 8 players/10 characters taking part tomorrow at 1 PM UTC, but we will also be playing at 10 PM so if some of them prefer the later time, play then, and maybe there will be other players too online then who haven’t yet signed up. Use the time between now and then to examine the materials below, and discuss tactics on Discord because there's no time for proper forum discussion. After the event, we can copy-paste the tactics we used here to discuss them for future sessions.

Don't miss the new trailer btw, it's fantastic, with metal music and real org play footage.

Assault on Stanton ... On-Stanton

Xenothreat is Back


Civilian Defense Force wrote:Those notorious outlaws from Pyro are back, and ready to tear Stanton to shreds. Join the Civilian Defense Force in routing the deadly menace once and for all.

@JFrombaugh wrote:“Meanwhile, even though the UEE has the power of the Navy and the Advocacy at its disposal, plus the authority to take action in Stanton when system security is compromised, it can’t or won’t muster the forces necessary to stop these attacks. Honestly, I’m not sure which is worse. Either way, it clearly doesn’t care. In fact, the UEE is probably glad it signed off the responsibility to protect the Stanton system to these four megacorps.”
-Parker Terrell, Plain Truth: Civilian Defense Farce

@Adohlin wrote:Alien week the same week as XenoThreat launch. Time to use the loaner alien ships to assault the Idris.

XenoThreat For New Players 2024 ... ayers-2024
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Medium XenoThreat Armor

Unread postby icycalm » 19 Jun 2024 19:42


Turns out Exiled had also finished Overdrive, and now he's finished XT too, so we have 6 medium XT armors in our web hangars now. That's a good size squad, especially if I have a heavy XT armor, which would bring us up to 7.

For reference, these are the 6: icycalm, shubn, recoil, Adjudicator, Some guy, ExiledOne.

Once persistent hangars go live, and unique item recovery as well (which will take a bit longer), we will pile up these armors in a corner of the CULT HQ hangar, and then ANY 6 players who want to play as XT will be able to put them on, not just the guys who own them. In the meantime, don't use them in-game because if you lose them you can't get them back until the next major patch, which is September.

It gets tricky if you also recover the same armor from Starfarer wrecks or boarding the XT Idris, and then you're wondering which suit is recovered and which is your web hangar one... The web hangar one will appear in your home location, so don't put the recovered ones there, and you'll be fine. Put them in some space station. If you screw it up, it's cool, you'll figure out how it works by September.
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Boarding XT Idris This Saturday At 1 & 10 PM UTC!

Unread postby icycalm » 20 Jun 2024 18:56

So it looks like XenoThreat will be running this Saturday too, and we'll be playing at both our 1 PM UTC and 10 PM UTC slots. Unfortunately I'll only be playing at the first slot because the supermarket I play in is closed for the second, but I hope enough players will show up for the second slot, or play both, to have two fun sessions. Generally, I don't expect as many players as we had last Saturday, but that's ok because we had atypically many last week. And since this time the focus will be on boarding the Idris, I have seen even solo players manage it, so we should do fine with even 3 or 4 or whatever players.

So we'll focus on the very last part of the event (or what I think is the last part?), which is boarding the Idris. We've already figured out and done fairly well in the other phases, so this is the only phase remaining to figure out how it works. Then we can put it all together the week after, if XT keeps running, or next time they stage the event. It's the same thing we've done with other events: they're all too complex to figure out in their entirety on our first run, and by now we've figured out all of them, except this one. And this is by far the most complex to figure out. Jumptown is more tactically complex, but the objective itself isn't complex: you just need to grab, and deliver, as much drugs as possible. Here on the other hand you have to hold off a space assault all the while retrieving sensitive cargo via EVA and delivering it with multiple ships and restrictions, and finally cap it all off by fending off a capital ship, or even better boarding it and taking it over (the last of which was only added with this latest iteration of the event). It's certainly the most complex mission in all of real-time multiplayer gaming, as far as I am aware, and the boarding mechanics they just added for this iteration of it make it even more complex. Of course, you can just blow the Idris up, but disabling it and boarding it has insane perks, because you can then take control of it and—after refueling and repairing it (which costs north of 1 million aUEC btw, so we better have several people with a bunch of cash in the teams)—you can choose to either use it against future instances of XenoThreat on the same day, or to terrorize the system like these guys: ... erver-and-

Yogi-1 @Yogi-1 wrote:XENOTHREAT VICTORY!!! - Murdering an Entire Server (and a UEE Javelin) with a Fleet of Idrii

Blightveil decided to embrace the XT event and see just how far we could take it. Instead of killing the Idris, we boarded and stole it. Then we stole a second one. Then a third. We murdered everyone. If you weren't in our party, we murdered you. Then we murdered the UEE Javelin.

The beauty of this is that all the PVE Bob's will never know the joy of stealing a fleet of Idrii and using them to terrorize the system.


PS: To be fair, they'll also never know the pain of spending 20 minutes and dropping $1million (each) to refuel them when they run out of gas. :D




So that's our goal: we want to do what these guys did. But just one Idris. Three is too many for us right now, we'd need more people to fly them anyway. And if we do manage to get it, we then switch to our full XT armors for as long as we can hold the ship. Hell, if all goes well we might even be able to grab the ship at the 1 PM slot and hand it off to the second group at 10 PM! One group reportedly held it for 32 hours!

Do I expect to succeed in capturing an Idris on Saturday? No. I'll be happy if we just manage to board it. Others that I have seen report capturing it tried several times over several days, and we probably won't get more than a couple of chances on Saturday. So I don't expect to get far. I'll be ecstatic if even one of us gets onboard, and we'll take it from there. Hopefully the event will run for another week, and we'll get to try again.

At any rate, boarding is slated to become a major part of the game, so we might as well get some XP right now in trying to learn it. So if you find any Idris-boarding guides or videos, post them here. This thread has some tips to get us started:

The Idris is unstoppable! ... nstoppable

Idris in QT

Vayne7777 wrote:Introduction
Yesterday I finally managed to get onboard the Idris and take control of the pilot seat while no other player backstabbed me.

There was another player on the bridge a couple of minutes later and I expected to be backstabbed but they were friendly for a change and together we killed all the crew but the mission was glitched so it couldn't be completed. We continued hearing NPC voices during the time on the ship so it could be the leader glitched somewhere in the interior of the Idris.

As the mission continued to be active the Idris had a mission marker and many other players tried to board and destroy the Idris while it was in our hands. They all failed. The Idris when run with AI in the turrets and a player in control is virtually unstoppable to any of the current other ships that are in game.

Look at that railgun

Vayne7777 wrote:What did we learn?

  • If you want to board, bring loads of ammo and med pens. The AI at a good server can be challenging.

  • The easiest way to board is through one of the side airlocks or the back airlock.

  • The pilot MSDs don't work yet but the HUD does.

  • We were not able to use any of the remote turrets - so you may not want to shoot the NPCs in the back of the bridge - they won't get up anyway.

  • We had to tractor beam the pilot out of his seat to gain control of the pilot station.

  • AI in turrets works really well - I wonder why we don't have the opportunity to get already AI in our turrets as it made the ship combat so much fun.

  • AI did remarkably well in shooting down nearly all missiles that were fired at us.

  • We fought Andromedas, Hammerheads, a Reclaimer, many Corsairs and smaller ships. None were able to make even a dent in our Idris.

  • If you are being attacked a strategy to consider is to go planet side: the ground will protect the bottom and no one can EVA and sneak onto your ship. At the same time atmo performance is comparable to that of a 3.22 Reclaimer - there is some momentum but it's not too bad.

  • There is no lift from the Idris to the ground so you need to fly onto it with a ship or EVA to it in space.

  • The railgun uses ammo and has a range of 10KM. It requires power up like Singe guns but when loaded it will one shot any ship you encounter.

  • Med Bay is disabled in the XT Idris.

  • You cannot access the missile room.

  • Only when in the pilot seat can you control the doors. There is station overseeing the landing bay but it didn't work.

  • QT is really slow - like 14 minutes from Pyro Jump Gate station to Area18; or 40+ minutes from Pyro Jump Gate station to New Babbage.

  • You can repair and rearm the Idris at any planetary outpost with a landing pad.

  • You can do the same at a city but I wouldn't recommend it as you have a chance to get glitched inside the hangar door. In our case while getting out a Hammerhead rammed us and glitched making the Idris so slow that half way the exit the hangar doors closed. This did not kill the Idris but it was hard to get out.

  • There are many places to hide on the Idris. If someone sneaks on board it will be really hard to find them.

  • Understandingly a lot of players wanted their hands on the Idris. There were about 10 of them on the server that just wanted to kill us screaming abuse over global chat. While all we wanted was to share the experience with others :-(. So I ended up sharing it with friends and friends of friends. If you manage to get your hands on the Idris be careful sharing it globally.

  • If you bring the Idris to a planetary city, you can easily loot all the armour and weapons of the 40+ NPCs to your local inventory ;-). Just be aware that some players will pad ram you with all they have. While it will not destroy the ship it can cause it to glitch into the hangar’s interior.

  • The interior is still confusing and StarMap didn’t really help – but that is just the lack of experience with the layout I suppose. Colour code lanes inside the Idris would help players to navigate better.

  • We can see why the Idris is not being released yet - it's not completely finished but the game is also not ready for such a powerhouse.

We fought on moons and in space. All attempts by other players over several hours failed.

BeachDuc wrote:I had somebody (in my org) hand over a captured Idris to me. The only interactable in the cockpit was a 'Radar' button. I couldn't even sit in the seat. None the less, it was amazing to get lost in a capital class ship.

CassiusFaux wrote:You gotta go to the back of the seat to get the prompt, it's silly I know but it took me a while to find it.

Pacifist90 wrote:I have captured 3 Idris so far, and had the experience that you cannot repair it at any outpost. Only those with a "large" pad (the ones with 2, one larger and one smaller). Trying to land at an outpost with only 1 pad always resulted in an "impounding" message. Even tried it out by staying there, and yup, the Idris got despawned after the timer ran out.

Refueling from ~45% to full cost 150k, and after about 20 minutes it filled up to about 90%. So that takes a while as well.

Vayne7777 wrote:Interesting I only used the large pad at SAL5 and Area18 and it was all good - possibly server-related?

The main piece of advice in order to HOLD the ship seems to be to not kill the turret gunners and just let them do their jobs. So be light on your triggers if we get that far.

See you on Saturday. O7
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Taking Down The Idris Solo

Unread postby icycalm » 21 Jun 2024 16:39

Xenothreat - Taking down the Idris Solo


Took down the Xenothreat Idris without a ship or team. I managed to hitch a lift to the battle zone on the Javelin and then boarded the Idris in EVA. ... _a_ship_or

mclen wrote:Jesus Christ, that's Jason Bourne.

agreen123 wrote:Get this man a goddam medal!

Mr_StephenB wrote:The NPCs were very slow to react so it wasn't too tough, had they been like a fresh server I wouldn't have made it anywhere near the bridge. There were some close moments where I almost died, but I was able to complete the objective.

I'm now wondering what effect this will have if this is done to the Idris during Phase 1.

I find it pretty interesting that Phase 2 can technically be completed without needing a ship (other than the Javelin). Very fun event though!

DodoBirdNotExtinct wrote:This is really amazing. This is the kind of footage that we need to be posting everywhere possible so people can see how amazing this game is. This should be plastered on the damn frontpage of Star Citizen as an advertisement.

People don't realize how advanced/impressive SC is. Show people this and I think jaws will hit the floor.

Shows you what's possible. Basically anything you can think of. Also interesting that he says the Idris appears on both Phase 1 and 2? Does that mean it's boardable on almost every phase? We need to figure this stuff out.
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Re: Global Event: XenoThreat

Unread postby Adjudicator » 22 Jun 2024 18:48

This YouTube video features a streamer and her friends/followers showcasing their efforts at capturing and then crewing the XenoThreat Idris capital ship.

Fully Crewing an AEGIS IDRIS + LTI Ship giveaway! - Star Citizen 3.23.1 multi crew Xenothreat


0:40 to 1:14 is extremely informative at showing a method of boarding the Idris. Attacking the XT Idris with her group. Note that the hostile XT Idris was heavily preoccupied with fighting other friendlies, which gave the opportunity to use ballistic weapons and fighter mass driver cannons (which have significant penetration against shields) to inflict enough damage directly on the rear hangar door, forcing it open.

1:14 to 4:42 showcases the forcible entry and landing inside the Idris's hangar, and the fight to seize control of the Idris. There are many XenoThreat soldiers and guards present. This part of the video alone reminds me a lot of the action packed opening of Star Wars Episode 3, where the two Jedi Knights force their way in and land in the hangar of the enemy flagship and fight their way to its bridge.

The rest of the video shows how she and her friends had to fend off attempts by other players to wrest control from her, and using the Idris as a crew.

For me, the most memorable part of the video is from 20:15 to 24:10, where the Idris is shown landing at Area18 for repairs and rearming. The scale of the ship and the capital hangar required to house it left an impression on me.
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