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[PC] [PS4] [ONE] [360] [PS3] Alien: Isolation

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[PC] [PS4] [ONE] [360] [PS3] Alien: Isolation

Unread postby icycalm » 23 Oct 2013 03:55 ... 1449318113

Source: The Next Aliens Game Stars Ellen Ripley's Daughter

The next video game in the world of Aliens will star the daughter of superstar space officer Ellen Ripley, according to a Kotaku source.

The game is called Alien: Isolation, and we hear it will be on both current- and next-gen consoles next year. Isolation is developed by the British studio Creative Assembly (Total War); it's a first-person shooter that uses both stealth and horror elements; and it's inspired by games like Dishonored and Bioshock, according to our source, a person familiar with goings-on at Sega, who spoke under condition of anonymity in the interest of protecting their job.

Perhaps most importantly, our source says that Sega took the critical reception to Aliens: Colonial Marines very seriously, and that the publisher put together a postmortem following the near-unanimously negative reactions to their last Aliens game, which was developed by the studios Gearbox and TimeGate. They want to make sure Isolation is a better game, and according to our source, it's already been delayed at least once—Sega originally planned to announce the game at E3 of 2013.

I first heard about Alien: Isolation this spring, not long after reporting on the disastrous story of Colonial Marines. I couldn't confirm what I'd heard, and I figured that with the game early in development, some of these details would be fluid, so I sat on the info.

But today, news came out that Sega has trademarked the name Alien: Isolation. With the title corroborated, I feel comfortable sharing everything I've heard.

According to our source, the protagonist of Alien: Isolation is Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, the character that made Sigourney Weaver famous and kicked off the ubiquitous sci-fi franchise over 30 years ago. Amanda, who is mentioned in the special edition of Aliens as having died while Ellen was frozen in space, has not yet been the focus of any books, movies, or games in the Alien extended universe.

You, as Amanda, spend most if not all of the game on a single space station, according to our source. There's only one alien for "most" of the game, our source said; you'll mostly be shooting through "clones and soldiers." Vents, lockers, and melee weapons are a big part of Isolation, our source said, and the game is heavily inspired by the first Alien movie.

Keep in mind much of this information is from six months ago; details may have changed over the course of development, as they sometimes do. However, our source re-confirmed many of these details today.

In 2011, Sega announced that Creative Assembly was working on an Alien game, but details have been sparse. Creative Assembly's most recent game, Total War: Rome II, was quite buggy at launch, but Luke revisited the game last week and gave it a positive review.

Sega declined to comment for this story. ... isolation/

Hexx wrote:Ahh. Shooting through clones and soldiers....the highlight of the Alien film franchise.
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Unread postby Dolt » 13 Dec 2013 14:26

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Unread postby shubn » 07 Jan 2014 19:43 ... on-pc.html


Alien Isolation Trailer:

Behind the Scenes Dev Diary Trailer:

Sega Announces Alien Isolation ~ PC, PS4, Xbox One & Last-Gen Platforms

Taking survival horror back to its roots and pitting players against the Universe’s deadliest killer in late 2014

Sega and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products today announced Alien: Isolation, a thrilling first-person survival horror experience that will focus on capturing the horror and tension evoked by Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic film. Developed by Creative Assembly, Alien: Isolation is due for release in late 2014 on PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC.

On a decommissioned trading station in the fringes of space, fear and panic have gripped the inhabitants. Players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

“In Alien: Isolation, we have taken the series back to the roots of Ridley Scott’s 1979 movie, the original survival horror,” said Alistair Hope, Creative Lead at Creative Assembly. “Our Alien is a truly terrifying creature, as intelligent as he is hostile, relentless, brutal and unstoppable. This is the Alien game fans of the series have always wanted.”

“Creative Assembly has created a truly incredible gaming experience, capturing perfectly the very core of what has made the Alien franchise remain relevant after 35 years,” said Jeffrey Godsick, president of Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products. “This partnership has led to the creation of a game that is simply outstanding and sets the tone for what is to come this year for the 35th anniversary of Alien.”

Alien: Isolation will be available in late 2014 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 system, Xbox 360 and Windows PC. Throughout 2014, Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products will be honoring the milestone 35th anniversary with a yearlong celebration marking the beginnings of the Alien legacy by releasing commemorative and fan-favorite products.













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Unread postby ksevcov » 14 Jan 2014 16:57

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Unread postby panegyrist » 20 Jan 2014 17:49








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Unread postby panegyrist » 09 Feb 2014 07:35





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Unread postby shubn » 30 Mar 2014 22:38 ... t-for.html


October 7th Date Set for Alien: Isolation

SEGA of America, SEGA Europe and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products today announced that Alien: Isolation, the hugely anticipated survival horror title, will be available from October 7, 2014. Developed by Creative Assembly, the game will be available on Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system, and Windows PC.

“We couldn’t be happier to finally announce a date for Alien: Isolation,” said Alistair Hope, Creative Lead at Creative Assembly. “The reaction we have seen so far has been simply incredible, from the screams and shrieks to the cold sweats and racing hearts. It’s the Alien game that we’ve always wanted to play and we can’t wait to let everyone get their hands on it this fall.”

Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game capturing the fear and tension evoked by Ridley Scott’s 1979 classic film. Players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

Alien: Isolation will be available from October 7, 2014, for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3 and Windows PC.
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Unread postby Turnus » 05 May 2014 20:56

IGN Reaction Video:

Here's an interesting article in response to this video from Thomas Grip of Frictional Games. Grip's been creating and thinking about horror games for over ten years now, and his thoughts on the matter are quite insightful. ... est_5.html

Thomas Grip wrote:Introduction
So I recently saw this reaction video to Alien Isolation and I thought it showcased a few interesting problems with horror games. These are not issues that are specific to this game, but that plague horror games in general. We've had these problems in all of our games and are currently trying avoid them as much as possible in our upcoming game, SOMA. So I'm not trying to take a shot at Alien Isolation here (I'm looking forward to playing it!) but the video demonstrated these issues so clearly that it's worth focusing on it for this article. That said, let's move on to the two hardest problems in horror.

1) Death Means Relief and Repetition
If you watch the video you can see that the players aren't being freaked out of their minds when they die. They're laughing, and feeling relief. And the death sequence is non-interactive, which further enhances this sense of sitting back and becoming a spectator. You can clearly see the effect here, where there's a stark difference in emotion compared to the fear that was expressed earlier. So when a death occurs, the situation has lost its sense of fear and the unknown. The player now knows what they're up against. It's gone from tense terror to "I need to beat this gameplay section".

We saw this in Penumbra Overture, where the player's experience of a chase sequence depended on the number of attempts. And what's important to note is that even if the first one or two attempts are exciting, the frustration that ensues from repeated attempts will spoil those initial memories and the sequence as a whole. Of course, there are only a certain percentage of players that will have this bad experience, and if that number's low enough it might not be such a big issue. But if your game is based around this kind of experience, like Alien Isolation and many other horror games are, then it becomes a much bigger problem. The game is under constant danger of losing its basic tension, the most fundamental ingredient of engagement that a lot of the game depends on.

What's the solution for this, then? The only proper solution is to make sure that death is postponed. Outlast has a monster that throws you to one side, giving you a chance to run off, a mechanic that works well in its story. Daylight has damage build up on the screen, which gives you time to escape. Both of these are great ways of extending the terror. Some kind of death must happen sooner or later, though, or the player will quickly realize that the monster is harmless - and that's no good at all. When death occurs I think it's important to remove this sense of repetition. For instance, in Amnesia we changed the map a bit after each death (which in some cases led to additional scares).

It might also be interesting to look into 'a fate worse than death', a subject that's perhaps too big to cover here (check here for some examples in various media). This is something we're trying out for SOMA right now. The basic idea is that "death" is not final but takes the player closer and closer to a very disturbing state of being.

I think the crucial point here though is to think outside the mechanics and to trust the player to be immersed in the fiction. From an abstract point of view of the game, there are only three options really: repeating, branching or skipping a section. Whichever is chosen the important thing is to keep the player in the right mindset and let their immersion do the bulk of the work.

2) Monster Exposure Makes The Horror Familiar
If you don't have weapons in your horror game - which, for many reasons, should be the case (for those needing arguments see this talk) - then you need to have some form of avoidance. This in turn leads to longer periods where the player's forced to pay attention to the danger, i.e. looking straight at it. This means that the player gets used to the monster, figuring out details and their mental picture of the beast breaks down into the prosaic reality of the implementation. In the worst case, the player will start noticing AI glitches and animation issues. The possibility space for the danger is reduced and it becomes obvious to the player that the monster is just a puppet.

This is a serious problem. It's well known that the most effective horrors are the unseen ones. This is obvious in the most successful horror books and films. If games want to achieve good horror, they need to keep this in mind and be careful when and how the monster is seen. Having said that, I think that games have a bit more leeway, because players are not just passive observers but are also engaged in an activity and responsible for the outcome, and therefore prone to take the monster more seriously.

Which brings us to the first problem: showing the monster in a cutscene (as Alien: Isolation can be seen doing here). I can understand the reason for doing this, to be certain that the players "get it". But this is a major dent in the creature's effective level of horror. You leave the player passive, and free to notice tons of detail about the monster in a much more relaxed way than if they were the ones in control. It also means that you're missing out on making one of the most potent horror moments interactive. The reveal of the monster is almost always a high point in a horror story; it's such a waste to let it be a non-interactive part of the game. Actually, they've already had a good reveal moment here, which I feel could have been used better. This one also perfectly nails the proper alien look: a swirling mass of Giger-esque limbs and claws.

The problems deepens as the game progress. Here is a good example of this. Just imagine what sort of AI quirks and animation issues might pop up when you are under a desk and the alien is a few meters away in a tight space. On top of that, the player is getting a really good look at the creature, just throwing away any chance of the player having their own subjective mental image of the beast.

This is really hard to solve. Outlast has a good solution where they use the night vision mode on the camera to blur out the monster features and add creepy glowing eyes. It doesn't work for the entire game, of course, but it makes it possible to have more glimpses of the monster without lessening the scare factor. In Amnesia we had the player's vision blur when a monster was in sight, something that worked pretty well. Or an even more successful monster was the water lurker, that just gave away its position with splashes in the water.

The best solution is really simple, though; keep monster encounters down to a minimum. I think the first basic problem is to rely on "monster hunts player" as a core gameplay foundation in the first place. This also exposes another big problem in horror games. If the monster hunting you is not what makes up the majority of the playing time then what does? This is an even harder nut to crack than the problems presented in this article.

In SOMA we try and solve this with a couple of tricks. First, all of the monsters are connected to the narrative; the more you figure out about them, the more you understand of the story. Therefore simply just looking for signs of monsters becomes a more interesting activity (compared to a game where the monster itself is not that interesting story-wise), and we can make do with fewer encounters. The inspiration from this comes from the SCP Foundation wiki, a collaborative database for weird artifacts, where many of the really spooky entries are just a collection of vague clues about a creature. Second, we keep the types of monsters fresh and varied throughout the game (which should fix one of the bigger issues in Amnesia: TDD). Finally, all of the monsters are connected to a sort of "worse than death" mechanic, to give the feeling that the encounters are more disturbing than simply "I will get a death screen if it catches me".

Again, I want to make it really clear that these problems are not specific to Alien: Isolation. These are things that just about every horror game struggle with, including our previous efforts and our upcoming Soma. Alien: Isolation is looking good and I'm excited to play it once it comes out. But that doesn't mean that it's not worthwhile looking closely at it and discussing any problems that might arise. Also, I felt the reaction video was great a springboard for the topics covered in this post. For me as a developer these sort of discussions are crucial, and whenever I see footage of a new horror game, I try to analyze what things might and might not work in it.

Finally, it's really fun to see this kind of game being made by a large studio. I wouldn't have imagined that happening a couple of years ago. No weapons, few monsters etc. are features not very common in a high budget game. Hopefully Alien Isolation will do well enough for us to see more of this!
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Unread postby infernovia » 10 Jun 2014 16:45 ... 6621532161

Alien: Isolation wrote:A prototype experience of #AlienIsolation will be on the Oculus Rift stand. For those brave enough to try it #E32014

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Unread postby Qpo » 12 Sep 2014 19:13

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Unread postby shubn » 24 Oct 2014 12:59 ... n-dlc.html

Alien Isolation's First Add-on Pack, 'Corporate Lockdown', Releases October 28

“Nobody’s clean; everyone’s got a little dirt on them. You just gotta know how to use it to make them squirm.”

SEGA today announced that the first of five add-on packs for Alien: Isolation, ‘Corporate Lockdown’, releases October 28, 2014, offering players three new challenging and terrifying maps for the game’s Survivor Mode. Each challenge pack offers a new perspective on the events on-board Sevastopol Station in the days before the arrival of the Weyland-Yutani team, with a new playable character, a unique set of objectives and a new game mode.

In ‘Corporate Lockdown’, Seegson Executive Ransome has learnt that he has been abandoned by his paymasters. Knowing that the Torrens is on the way, he decides to make his escape and hitch a ride on board, taking decoded Nostromo data with him. However, while escaping he wants to tie up a few loose ends… Across three new challenge maps, ‘Severance’, ‘Scorched Earth’ and ‘Loose Ends’, players are challenged to compete against others through Alien: Isolation’s online leaderboards, to escape the station in the fastest possible time or attain the top score through numerous side quests and hidden bonus objectives. New to ‘Corporate Lockdown’ is the addition of Gauntlet Mode where players are challenged to top the Gauntlet Mode leaderboards by completing all three challenge maps back-to-back without dying.

‘Corporate Lockdown’ will be available to download via online marketplaces for available platforms from October 28, priced at MSRP $7.99/€6.99/£5.59 and will be followed by four more packs: ‘Trauma’, ‘Safe Haven’, ‘Lost Contact’ and ‘The Trigger’. Each will feature a new playable character alongside a mix of new maps, objectives and game modes to challenge even the most proficient player. Players wishing to explore every inch of Sevastopol Station can take advantage of the Alien: Isolation Season Pass, offering access to all five Survivor Mode add-on packs at up to a 25% discount. All add-on packs are scheduled to be released by March 2015.

Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game set on board a decommissioned trading station in the fringes of space. Players find themselves in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger as an unpredictable, ruthless Xenomorph is stalking and killing deep in the shadows. Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

Alien: Isolation is available now for Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Windows PC, Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system.


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Unread postby Adjudicator » 10 Dec 2014 15:59


The second add-on pack for Survivor Mode is here! Step into the shoes of a new playable character and prepare to meet the challenge of ‘Trauma’...

“I’ve broken the rules but I’ve always known what’s the right thing to do. Until now.”

- Lingard

‘Trauma’, will see you exploring the three new maps as Sevastopol’s medical officer, Dr Lingard, who you may have already encountered in our main game.

Racked with guilt and feeling responsible for bringing the creature on board, she holds herself liable for the death and destruction that ravages the station as the Alien is unleashed.

Wanting to ensure that her research on the creature can never fall into the wrong hands, Lingard sets out to destroy all the data and do as much as she can to help the remaining survivors.

Playing as Lingard, you’ll be facing the challenge of competing against other players to get the fastest time and the highest points score across three new Survivor Mode maps, ‘Reoperation’, ‘Crawl Space’ and ‘Overrun’.

However, with limited access to weapons and distraction devices, Working Joe androids on high alert and the creature itself hunting you from the shadows, will you be able to survive our new challenges?

Three more DLC packs are planned as well:

There will be three more packs to follow – ‘Safe Haven’, ‘Lost Contact’ and ‘The Trigger’. Each add-on pack will offer new perspectives on the events on-board Sevastopol Station in the days before the arrival of the Weyland-Yutani team, with a new playable character and a unique set of objectives.
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Unread postby Adjudicator » 10 Dec 2014 16:11


Today, we’ve released a new game update, adding two new modes to the game.

Nightmare Mode:

Nightmare Difficulty

We’ve seen a number of players with extremely strong dispositions demand more challenges for their Alien: Isolation encounter – another try at survival against tougher odds.

In response to your requests, we’ve created Nightmare Mode, a new difficulty level, which should challenge players to beat the ultimate Alien: Isolation experience.

Explore the world of Sevastopol with a motion tracker featuring a damaged display and undependable information. Resources will be even more limited, the map systems have gone offline and fellow survivors and synthetics are even more deadly and aggressive.

In this heightened, terrifying atmosphere, our Alien will be hunting you like never before. With an upgraded AI that has amplified its fatal hostility, every step you take may be your last. Our monster is more adaptive, learning from your tactics with chilling speed and with intensified senses that will give you no second chances…

Novice Mode:


Similarly, we have had requests from the community to have more time and breathing space with which to explore Sevastopol. Therefore, to balance the horror of Nightmare Mode, we also have Novice Mode.

For those who may have already survived the terror first time around, take on the experience again with more of a potential reprieve…

You’ll be given more resources and ammunition, with synthetics and fellow survivors being less troublesome. Our Alien will also be more forgiving, more easily distracted and less aggressive in his hunting style.

Both modes are free to update to and enjoy today across all formats. Which will you try out?

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Unread postby jeffrobot494 » 13 Jan 2015 18:20 ... lenge-mode wrote:A THIRD ADD-ON PACK, A NEW CHALLENGE MODE


Our third add-on pack, ‘Safe Haven’, is here and it comes with a new Challenge Mode designed to test your survival mettle.

Salvage Mode will task you with surviving a series of ten challenges, without dying, as you attempt to complete objectives and make your escape.

You will be against the ticking clock as wave after wave of opponents stand between you and survival.

hughes.jpg (31.64 KiB) Viewed 33950 times

“Please understand, this is our best shot. Someone’s got to re-establish comms.”

- Hughes

‘Safe Haven’ will allow you to play as new character Hughes, Sevastopol’s Station's Communications Manager.

Trapped in a safe room and desperate to escape, Hughes’ only chance is to take on ten tasks given at the communications terminal in the lower decks of the station.

Every task is one step closer to escape but will require the utmost stealth and skill as Hughes confronts the station’s life-threatening challenges – a crumbling environment and the toughest foes - as he works to restore communications and get away.

In ‘Safe Haven’, be ready to experience a different side to Survivor Mode. With a far larger challenge map and only one life to survive with, each level will test your skills with new objectives, a different enemy type and the risk that one wrong move will be your last.

Completing each challenge will unlock rewards and points, with new items to collect and craft. Gather enough points and you’ll be able to trade them in for a chance to save and bank your progress.

Should you fail at any point, you’ll be taken back to your last saved challenge but it comes at the cost of your final score and the place on our leader boards.

Will you favour safety over the highest score? How will you survive? Get a taster of what's waiting for you in our trailer:

'Safe Haven' also comes with added the added bonus of Marathon Mode, giving players the option to take on Survivor Mode challenge maps in any order that they choose.

For those wishing to know exactly when they can start enjoying 'Safe Haven' across all platforms, here's a quick summary on when it should be available. It might take some platforms longer to update than others so please check again later if it doesn't appear immediately:

STEAM: Available from 09:00 GMT (01:00 PST), Tuesday 13th January
XBOX ONE, XBOX 360: Available during Tuesday, 13th January
PS3 and PS4 in North America: Available during Tuesday, 13th January
PS3 and PS4 in Europe: Available from Wednesday, 14th January

Don’t miss out on any of our Survivor Mode add-on packs by taking advantage of our Season Pass. Giving you access to all five add-on packs, it also comes with up to a 25% discount.
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Unread postby icycalm » 18 Mar 2017 15:21

Insomnia review (4/5): ... 14-pc.html

Shakesman's review: ... ed/214490/

William Shakesman wrote:How do you review this? Technically, it's magnificent. This IS Alien 1. Down to every loving detail. The environments are absolutely beautiful and the game itself runs like a dream.

You scramble through vents, under tables, into lockers, watching as the alien and other universe appropriate enemies search rooms for you. The tension of seeing the alien's long tail trail behind it as you cower under a table in an entirely unscripted game of cat and mouse is amazing. This game nails EVERYTHING. And the sound! Oh the sound. Shuffling through the vents, clomping footsteps that even with just two speakers you can place within 360 degrees of your location. You are being stalked and it sounds like it.



It's just not any fun. If your movie/game ended after one or three of those dramatic cat and mouse games and your brutal instant deaths, hey, you had a good time. It was beautiful and brilliant and all those things.

But it's not the end. You have to get back in there and do it right.

And the space station you are on may as well be a series of linear hallways with one-off rooms to the side (Thematically completely appropriate but for a stealth game to have such claustrophobic levels...) so there is scarcely room for useful distractions or any sort of clever stealth games. Just waiting in the locker until it is safe to leave, leaving, and then maybe dying if the alien decided to double back. Tension gives way to tedium, skipping trial and error because there simply is no right answer to suss out. Certain segments have a pattern to learn but the alien's behaviors are hardly scripted at all. It is lethal and lightning quick and unpredictable and escape from it is more based on good luck than skill. Does it turn around and check your room again a third time in a row? Does it ever wander to a point where throwing a flare won't get you immediately killed before it even leaves your hand? Will it suddenly lose interest in the flare and zoom down the hall the exact moment you enter the no man's land. Which, again, is all perfectly thematic but not at all fun on the many repeat plays the game expects of you until you get it right. (And make no mistake, at least on hard, that flare won't keep the alien for long. The only scripting that is obviously apparent is the invisible tether between you and the alien. For something so clueless as to not see you under that table, it remains completely aware of the room you are in and the only exit from that room.) The game begins with all the charm in the world and loses it all incredibly quickly.

Thematically, perfect. This is a hard as nails game you cannot get good at because there is almost no meaningful skill component. The alien is simply better at everything and that is good horror but a really lousy game. Even classic Resident Evil gave you far more control, far more nonlinearity, far more planning, far more stuff to do. Here, you just collect fiddly bits for a fiddly craft system and flip levers and backtrack.

So if you want to experience an absolutely beautiful, masterfully crafted, and wonderfully thematic Alien experience, this is worth your dollar easily. But if you are expecting a fun game, you are sadly barking up the wrong tree.
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Unread postby ChevRage » 22 Dec 2020 05:34

There's a mod out that allows you to play this in VR:

Keep in mind at the moment it's not working for the Epic Game Store release of the game, but the creator is on top of it and will probably get it working soon.

I plan on continuing my playthrough in VR when I can.
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Re: [PC] [PS4] [ONE] [360] [PS3] Alien: Isolation

Unread postby Adjudicator » 19 Nov 2021 02:29

Alien: Isolation to be ported to Android and iOS.

It will be handled by Feral Interactive, the company that ported the game to the Nintendo Switch back in December 2019. ... nd-android

Run. Hide. Survive. December 16th
Wednesday, 17 November 2021 — Feral Interactive announced today that Alien: Isolation will release for iOS and Android on Thursday December 16th 2021
Alien: Isolation on mobile offers a mesmeric action-adventure on a damaged labyrinthine space station, lightyears from Earth. The stunning AAA visuals, arresting narrative and terrifying atmosphere of Creative Assembly™’s award-winning sci-fi masterpiece have been faithfully replicated for phones and tablets. This is the complete survival horror experience brought to mobile without compromise.

Tailored for touchscreen play and using a bespoke, fully customisable interface, Alien: Isolation allows players to fine tune the game to their own playing style, with gamepads also supported. All seven DLC packs are included with this release, such as Last Survivor and Crew Expendable. For your first glimpse at this survival horror classic on mobile, watch the new Alien: Isolation trailer here.

Alien: Isolation is set to be released from the airlock on December 16th, for £12.99. Alien: Isolation for iOS is available to pre-order now, and Android players can register their interest here.
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