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[PC] [MAC] Subnautica

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[PC] [MAC] Subnautica

Unread postby shubn » 26 Nov 2013 23:46


Subnautica : le FPS aquatique des auteurs de Natural Selection 2

Unknown World vient d'annoncer le développement de leur futur jeu via un compte Twitter et un forum réservés aux joueurs ayant versé 75$ pour terminer dans le Shadow Tier de Natural Selection 2.

Son nom : Subnautica. Il se déroule sous l'eau dans un monde ouvert généré aléatoirement.

Étrangement, Subnautica n'exploitera pas le moteur développé pour Natural Selection 2, mais le Unity Engine. Les développeurs préparent une annonce pour le 15 décembre.


Subnautica: Natural Selection 2 developer's aquatic FPS

Unknown Worlds just announced their next game via a Twitter account as well as a private forum accessible to players who paid $75 to access Natural Selection 2's Shadow Tier.

The name: Subnautica. It takes place in an underwater, procedurally generated open world.

Surprisingly, Subnautica doesn't use Natural Selection 2's engine, but rather the Unity Engine. The developers are preparing an announcement for December 15.
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Unread postby shubn » 19 Dec 2013 23:13 ... he-depths/

subnautica1.jpg (93.33 KiB) Viewed 11639 times

Subnautica: Descend into the Depths

Subnautica is an open world underwater exploration and construction game. We are Unknown Worlds, the developers of Natural Selection 2, and Subnautica is our new project. Subnautica will combine elements of role playing, sandbox, exploration and cinematic games to create a unique experience, the genre of which we do not believe has yet been invented.

We have assembled a small team, and are in the early stages of prototyping Subnautica gameplay. The first in-game art assets are being created, soundscapes are being recorded, and animations are starting to slither, turn and swim. We have created a rich library of concept art, and set about designing and iterating on core elements of gameplay. Subnautica is not in ‘alpha,’ it is an idea that is just starting to be mouled into its first playable incarnations. We are not ready to announce it and try to ‘build buzz’ or ‘attract attention’ – But we are ready, and excited, to share our work with you.

Subnautica aims to elicit a feeling of experiencing the unknown: A sense that you are exploring an untouched world, not knowing how far, or how deep you can go. The underwater environment will invite you to construct submarines and develop your equipment in order to reach its far flung and diverse corners. Decisions you make about vessel layout, capabilities and structure will affect your ability to navigate hazards and enter the domains of creatures; the likes of which your imagination has never conceived of.

The creation of Subnautica will be extremely open. We hope everyone in the Unknown Worlds community, and new faces, will be interested in giving feedback, sharing ideas, and participating in development. You can talk to most of the development team on Twitter and on the Subnautica forums. We will be opening up early Subnautica ‘builds’ (versions of the game) to a wider and wider audience over the coming months, and you will be invited to play.

Every week, we will be releasing new Subnautica concept art, screenshots, design proposals, technical details, plans and progress. You can find out all about these releases via Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Reddit, and more. Today, we have released three pieces of Cory’s concept art: Close Encounter, Lava Zone, and Control Room.


Close Encounter is one of the first pieces of art Cory created for Subnautica, and is Charlie‘s favourite. It serves as the profile picture for Subnautica across all sorts of social media pages. Close Encounter points to one of the most important aspects of Subnautica play: Interaction with impossibly diverse and fascinating creatures. Some of these creatures will be truly enormous, all of them will be unique. The question is, does this creature intend to harm the diver? Or just say hello?


Subnautica will allow you to design, construct and crew submarine vessels. Control Room is a concept that has served as reference for our first submarine interior prototypes. Steve has spent time ensuring that we can achieve the shiny, high tech look and Charlie has been considering how interior construction systems will work.


Diversity of underwater environments is a key gameplay element of Subnautica. Lava Zone hints at an environement they may not necessarily be entirely friendly towards a player’s submarine! The submarine in the concept is indicative of the design style that some of Subnautica’s vessels will adopt.

Next week, we will reveal a new piece of concept art. Follow Subnautica on Twitter, subscribe to the Subnautica YouTube channel, and like the Subnautica Facebook page to receive updates on new reveals as they come. Subscribe to the Subnautica mailing list to be notified when we are looking for playtesters. Visit the forums to discuss the game!

Read more Subnautica reveal posts: Blog Welcome | The Subnautica Crew

Subnautica: Welcome:

Subnautica Soundtrack: Ahead Slow:

Subnautica Soundtrack: Finding Life:

Subnautica Soundtrack: Into The Unknown:
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Unread postby Robomoo » 24 Jan 2018 22:55

The game just left Early Access. This means that they have finally added an ending -- there is some mystery to solve, and then you can build a ship to leave the planet. I've been waiting for them to do this for about a year. There doesn't seem to be much else that's new in this update, though.

New Cinematic Trailer:

Steam page:

Some screenshots from the Steam page:




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Unread postby ChevRage » 13 Mar 2021 12:57

Subnautica (VR Hardcore) with ChevRage 1

Just started this game in VR, and man does it work well. I had to get some mods to fix some oversights that the devs haven't fixed however. Stuff like the HUD overlapping the inventory screen, and the cutscenes being left out, amongst others. Thankfully there are a couple of mods that fix them all, here are the links to both:

They're very easy to install, just follow the instructions included.
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