Updated some bits and pieces.
1) Added CULT LIVE banner to
KOF152) Added banners for
Darkest Dungeon II and
Age of Darkness for October, with CULT LIVE banners for both (more titles for October coming soon)
3) Added
WARNO for January (more titles for January coming soon)
4) Reformatted the banner for February's Pathfinder AP release and added November's Starfinder AP release with the new format banner
The new banner format for GMRPG releases is basically their cover, with a width of 292 pixels, just like all the other banners. But since the aspect ratio of these covers is like a book, it means that these banners are way taller. This is what the two I have up currently look like:

This is the most aesthetically- and functionally-efficient solution, because as we go further back in time there is less and less high-res artwork that can be used to make a banner, and past a certain point there's nothing but cover scans. So by using covers, I can go all the way back to the original D&D release in 1974 with no problems.
Of course this means that this genre gets way bigger banners than anything else. But if you know my art theory, you'll know that I believe this is the highest videogame genre, and indeed the highest art genre ever. So maybe the larger banners are warranted. Also consider that, despite being the best genre—or rather because of that—it is the least popular (see my essay on the popularity vs. quality equation [
> ]). So again, it makes sense to highlight it somewhat, and I think these banners will catch people's attention, month after month and year after year. Look for D&D and other brands to show up on the release schedule soon. There's tons of stuff coming out from many companies, and the frontpage is about to get a whole lot more interesting and colorful once I start adding them.
One issue I have is that I'll have to redo the stars and the "NOW PLAYING", "GAME OF THE MONTH" etc. banners to fit this new aspect ratio. It won't be easy, because the aspect ratio isn't exactly standard: different companies use different book sizes, or even the same company might vary them across product lines. So the height can vary a bit. It's a challenge for me, and for a while it will mean that GMRPGs won't have any of these banners next to them, but I'll figure it out eventually.