February has been updated with 17 titles, including the second instalment of Paizo's Quest for the Frozen Flame campaign. This marks the first time a GMRPG title makes its appearance on the Insomnia release schedule (and indeed on ANY release schedule in any videogame site). The banner for this game is slightly taller than normal, because I didn't want to crop it. It'd look crap cropped. I think I'll have to keep doing this unless I want to remake these banners myself from scratch, which would be difficult. I could use Fantasy Grounds' Steam banners, but they are busy as fuck, plus they have the FG logo which implies that FG is required to play the game. But you can also play on Foundry or any number of other VTTs (including TaleSpire), so I don't really want the FG logo on there.
Instead I am using this image made by Paizo and posted on their blog:
This is the official promotional banner for the adventure, and you can see how stylishly they've placed the system/setting, campaign and adventure logos, which are the only ones that should be there.
Problem is, Paizo only started making banners in this style recently, so as I expand the release calendar backwards I'll eventually reach the older titles that didn't have such banners made for them, and then I might be forced to use FG's Steam ones. So for consistency's sake, it might be best to use these for the latest releases too...
Anyway, it's too much to think about right now, and I much prefer the look of the official banners, so I'll go with those now and figure the whole thing out when I absolutely need to.