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[PC] [MAC] [ONE] [PS4] Psychonauts 2

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[PC] [MAC] [ONE] [PS4] Psychonauts 2

Unread postby Some guy » 12 Jan 2016 20:36

Psychonauts 2 Fig Campaign Pitch Video:

Psychonauts 2 Announce Teaser!:

Psychonauts Retrospective // The Color of the Sky in Your World Part 1:

Psychonauts Retrospective // The Color of the Sky in Your World Part 2:

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In the year 2000, Tim Schafer and a small gang of his friends and former colleagues started their own company, Double Fine Productions. They would spend the better part of the next five years working on a game that was destined to become a cult classic. Of course, no one knew that then, with the trials and tribulations the team went through at the time — from backed up toilets, to publisher cancellations — it’s a miracle the game was ever released.

But it was! Psychonauts was born on April 19th, 2005 to critical acclaim and immediately found a die-hard fan base. But that wasn’t all! Psychonauts also had the uncanny ability to get inside the minds of those who played it. They told their friends about it, and they told their friends about it… Psychonauts continuously gained momentum over the years since its release. It has grown to become a genre-defining title that is thought of fondly by millions of players around the world.

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The original game follows the story of a young psychic named Razputin in his quest to join an elite group of international psychic secret agents, the Psychonauts. He runs away from the circus and breaks into their secret training facility, Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp. As he begins his training by psychically delving inside the consciousnesses of his tutors and those around him, he realizes all is not as it seems, and soon embarks upon a psychic odyssey through a variety of levels set inside the minds of misfits, monsters, and madmen.

But the story of Psychonauts is only the start of Razputin’s adventures. The game ends on a cliffhanger with the promise of more to come… Now it’s time to tell that story.

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In Psychonauts 2, Raz realizes his dream and visits Psychonauts Headquarters. However, when he gets there, he finds it's not the perfect place he expected and quickly realizes that the Psychonauts need him more than he needs them.

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Psychonauts 2 will feature a new hub world inside Psychonauts HQ. You’ll access new mental worlds as Raz peeks inside the minds of a host of new characters who need his help to combat their inner demons and unravel their deep-seated emotional issues. Raz will hone his secret agent PSI-abilities—and learn new ones too—using them to solve mysteries and uncover evil plots.

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To make a true sequel to Psychonauts, we'll need the same brains who worked on the original to join us again. That's why we're getting the band back together! Of course, Tim Schafer will be leading the project, but we’re also going to be working with several key collaborators from the original Psychonauts!

Artists Scott Campbell, Peter Chan and Nathan Stapley will be returning alongside composer Peter McConnell to contribute their unique visual and musical styles. Erik Wolpaw will also be making a comeback to collaborate on story and dialogue. Both Richard Horvitz and Nicki Rapp have promised to return to voice Razputin and Lili, with Khris Brown lined up to direct them again.

Last but not least, Psychonauts 2 will be developed in house by the award-winning team here at Double Fine which still include members of the original Psychonauts team—Anna Kipnis, Bert Chang, Dave 'Rusty' Russell, Geoff Soulis, Kee Chi, Malena Annable, and Ray Crook.

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The studio's flagship game, Psychonauts , took nearly five years to make. But in the last fifteen years, we’ve grown a bit older and wiser and have shipped sixteen titles since with four more in the pipeline. Psychonauts 2, as a sequel, has already built a solid foundation and answered a lot of the questions we’d otherwise face - What is this game? Who are the characters? What is the gameplay going to be like? etc.

With all that in mind, we are estimating that Psychonauts 2 will be finished for a release in 2018.

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We’re calling upon you to help make this game a reality. And for that, we're asking for $3.3m.“$3.3m?!” you ask bewildered, "that sounds like 2D graphic adventure money! Surely that isn’t enough to make something as grandiose as Psychonauts 2!” Well, you are correct, you’ve seen right through us... are you sure you’re not psychic?

Yes, we do need more than that, as we've previously said we need to raise at least the same amount that went into making the original Psychonauts, which had a budget in the $10-13.5m range. In order to do that, we need to gather money from multiple sources.

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Double Fine will be putting up a significant portion of the development funds ourselves, and getting another piece of the budget from an external partner. This Fig campaign will make up the third piece of the budget. None of these three parts on their own is enough, but together they add up to a sequel worthy of Psychonauts!

That's why we need your help! Your pledges will enable us to finally raise the budget we need to make the game we've always wanted to make and have been asked to create for years, and show just how much of a demand Psychonauts fans have for a sequel!


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Throughout the production of Broken Age, the extraordinary documentary team 2 Player Productions filmed the entire process. They were in every meeting, interviewing the production team, and acting as flies on the wall to capture every candid moment of the game's development. With this footage, they made a documentary series called Double Fine Adventure, which is an unprecedented look at how games are made.

As part of the development of Psychonauts 2, 2 Player Productions have already started the documentation process and will be releasing the videos to the world - backers and non-backers alike. While the format may not mirror the style of Double Fine Adventure, rest assured that in 2 Player's capable hands, it will be equally rad!

Whatever form it ends up taking, you'll be able to watch it for free on Youtube in 720p. Backers who donate $69 and above will also get access to the videos as 1080p downloads, along with special features like commentary tracks, deleted scenes, bloopers, and more!
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Unread postby Masahiro9891 » 15 Jan 2019 14:48

Emphasis is Double Fine's:

Double Fine Production wrote:At the end of 2015 we launched a crowdfunding campaign to create a sequel to Double Fine Production's Inaugural game Psychonauts. Thanks to the generosity of thousands of fans around the world Psychonauts 2 is now in development!

In Psychonauts 2, Raz realizes his dream and visits Psychonauts Headquarters. However, when he gets there, he finds it's not the perfect place he expected and quickly realizes that the Psychonauts need him more than he needs them.

Psychonauts 2 will be developed in house by the award-winning team at Double Fine Productions, which still include members of the original Psychonauts team.

It will feature a new hub world inside Psychonauts HQ, and you'll access new mental worlds as Raz peeks inside the minds of a host of new characters who need his help to combat their inner demons and unravel their deep-seated emotional issues. Raz will hone his secret agent PSI-abilities — and learn new ones too — using them to solve mysteries and uncover evil plots.

Apparently I'm soulless. Thanks for telling me, I can stop wasting so much time at confession.

EGM wrote:Anyone who doesn’t fall for the unique characters, hilarious dialogue and brilliantly conceived environments of Psychonauts has no soul.






Official First Trailer:

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Unread postby icycalm » 15 Jan 2019 16:58

It looks wretched. I would say you don't have a soul if you like it.

I need to post a review of the original at some point. I have a good one ready.
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