So first order of business for me was to buy the Perseus to Polaris Warbond CCU that's available only today. It's $25 but it has a $75 value, so that's $50 saved. That's a significant saving considering the price of the ship is currently $750. And keep in mind that prices increase at release. It could well end up close to $1,000 by the time it's out, but now I've locked in the current price so I don't care, and I did it with only $25 up front. By chaining a bunch more Warbond CCUs I've been hoarding and will keep accumulating, I should be able to get it at about $500 come the summer. Which is a steal considering what this thing can do.

The new armor model that's coming in the game by the way will mean that large ships are basically invulnerable to small fighter fire. Big ships already pack a punch in the game, but by next year the only way to defeat a big ship will be another big ship, or a dedicated bomber ship like the Retaliator. So we need more big ships.
Polaris commercial from 7 years ago:
RSI Polaris: UEE Militia Mobilization Initiative

ISC episode on the Polaris from 11 months ago (the Polaris segment starts at 7:00):
Inside Star Citizen: Finding the North Star | Fall 2022

And above all, the Polaris segment at CitCon a month ago:
Polaris - CitizenCon 2953

The thing can take a Scorpius, the heaviest dual-seat fighter in the game. It's still in greybox, so expect a shitton more detail. In the video you can see it releasing the Scorpius as it fires four giant torpedoes that down an Idris.
@az_3kgt714 wrote:It's like thousands of Idris owners cried out in terror and then... Silence.
@Mud_AleX wrote:Carrying 10 size 10 torpedoes, yes, you can take a couple of Idris' down, but after that you will have to rock your way with empty pockets... looking good for big fleet skirmishes...
@e.b.4872 wrote:Big boat killer... There something big right there for firework... But it will be not efficient against smaller ship fleets while the Idris is. Chose your role. That's the definition.
@Lordparable wrote:How many Arrows you think you can fit in that bay? Like 4.
Or Furys lol. 10-20 at least.
@fredrock3488 wrote:And it has 28 torpedoes total.
Capital ships will be THE ships to bring to Pyro. We'll be able to live off them even without a base. But base-building also goes in the game within 12 months. At least the T0 implementation. And how do you defend a base in lawless Pyro? With cap ships.
So let's talk cap ships. If you have any plans to buy one, let us know here so we can coordinate our acquisitions. I haven't talked about the Idris yet, but that's an even bigger deal than the Polaris, and it costs twice lol. That has several versions including a military one that's very hard to get, or maybe even impossible now? I think Adjudicator has the gimped P (Peacekeeping) version. And moreover you can only buy an Idris twice a year, and even then only if you manage to win the F5 Wars (about which I am compiling sources for a ca$hmoney thread post soon). At least the Polaris isn't hull-limited and you can buy as many as you want, again only twice a year or so, but at least you don't have to fight the entire whale playerbase for one of them.
P.S. The exterior of the Idris has been in the game for a long time because you fight it in several missions, but just a couple of days ago the INTERIOR also went in, in the 3.22 PTU. Things are heating up in the verse!
Older videos of the Idris interior:
Idris interior "Captain's Quarters"

Exclusive Aegis Idris Interior Tour

P.P.S. The Hammerhead isn't a cap ship, it's just a giant gunship. Glad we have several of them, but it doesn't count as a cap ship and can't play that role in Pyro etc. The 890J IS a cap ship, but it's a leisure craft. Totally unsuitable for combat ops. I WILL buy one as soon as I can afford it, but the warships take precedence, so I am not buying it until I have both cap warships coming out next year. And you must win the F5 Wars to get this too btw. But we can buy it in-game, and already have one in fact, so it's definitely not a priority, and in fact it's a cool credit sink for us. I wonder if/how you'll be able to buy the cap warships in the game once they go in. I think I've heard you need maxed reputation with the UEE, and tons of credits. Not to mention operating costs lol.
P.P.P.S. The other major cap ship to start thinking about is the Pioneer. That's the base-building ship, and it's the only way to build XL base structures. But that's 2 years away at least. Still, you need to win the F5 Wars for it, so the earlier we start thinking about it, the better.
P.P.P.P.S. Any hull-limited ship that therefore requires you to win the F5 Wars cannot be CCUed to, or gifted. So you can't even get it from the grey market. The only way to avoid the F5 Wars and get these ships on demand (i.e. without having to wait for IAE or Invictus) is to buy one of the whale packs on the Concierge store. So that's something to look into for those who can afford it. I can't afford it for now unfortunately, and for the foreseeable future, so F5 Wars it is for me, and my first try will be in the summer at Invictus, crypto gods willing.